ELT Lite is a general LoRaWAN™ device for measuring analog or digital signals. ELT Lite can, for example, be used together with electricity meters, flow meters, analog sensors, moisture sensors, temperature sensors, water leak cable. It is enclosed in an IP65 box and is designed to be outside. A 3,6V AA lithium battery powers it. The Battery life is estimated to be up to 10 years but depends on sample interval, transmit interval, data rate, power output, and environmental factors. You are welcome to use our online battery lifetime calculator.
All Elsys’s sensors are equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) for easy configuration with an Android phone. With our application “Sensor Settings”, you can change the sample rate, data rate, encryption keys, triggers, activation and much more. All of our software is built on top of the LoRaWAN™ stack from Semtech.
Channel plans exist for US902-928, EU863-870, AS923, AU915-928, KR920-923. ELT LIte is the lite version of ELT2. ELT2 has internal sensors and one more input channel.
- Analog 0-10V in
- Digital in
- Pulse counter
- Direct connection to S0 outputs
- Direct connection to Decagon moisture sensors
- Direct connection to external temperature sensor
- Water leak sensor input
- NFC for easy configuration
- Size: 94 x 59 x 35 mm
- Max output power: +20dBm
- Approx. range: 12km*
- Battery life: 10 years**
- 3.6V AA lithium battery
- US902-928, EU863-870,AS923,AU915-928,KR920-923
* LoRa™ modulation SF10
** Depending on interval
Supported external sensors:
- Analog input (0-10V)
- Pulse input (pullup/pulldown), e.g. power meters.
- DS18B20, 1-wire temperature sensor
- Switch/Button, normally open
- Digital input
- Meter 10HS,EC-5, water moisture sensor*
- Water leak sensor/cable
Do you miss support for any sensor? Get in touch, and we can probably solve it